
IFC Board


2023 BOARD


Board Positions and Descriptions:

President – Trevor Martin

Accountable for monthly meetings 

Provides oversight of IFC Board 

Responsible for managing budget and ensuring organization stays in good standing with 501c. 

Responsible for expanding the organization’s presence through collaboration with other organizations

Vice President – Bobby Miller

Responsible for ensuring volunteer positions are filled (ie, one night stand and other events have a designated leader)

Responsible for identifying location for IFC monthly meetings 

Responsible for annual holiday party planning

Membership Coordinator – Justin Nosler

Responsible for new member sign up and education, annual renewals and IFC member benefits 

Keeps a record of attendance at each event and anything related to an email newsletter

Is a backup on organizations finances to maintain proper governance

Social Media Coordinator – L. Tanner Smith, Claire Nunley

Posts meetings and events on social media sites

Runs the IFC Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts

Creates meeting invites for each meeting

Meeting and Events Coordinator – Kevin McGannon

Responsible for ensuring each meeting has a presenter on relevant film subject matter and/or films are set to screen

Responsible for setting up two Saturday seminars per year 

Outreach and Fundraising – Jamie Morrow

The person who will enable our events and programs to thrive

Outreach for grants and corporate sponsorships

Works on getting items for raffles

All fundraising outside of individual memberships

Website Administrator – Fain Fain Fain

Maintains IFCKC.ORG website

Monitors costs for updates and optimization of site

Archivist – Timothy Harvey

Ensures any events that are streamed are set up and viewable

Takes notes during meetings and provides updates web site

Keeps records of IFC films and other footage/photos

At Large – Patrick Lamb, Dan Handley


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